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Please feel free to submit your own testimonial. To write one, you must be logged in as a subscriber.
This site got me into game programming!
I must say I'm glad I spent a few bucks on this website. I have always wanted to program video games, and this site is what got me started. I looked around a few places before, but this site really helped me understand what other sites just couldn't explain. Without, I probably wouldn't be as far as I am today with my game programming! If anything, just go premium to support someone who gives out SO MUCH helpful information FOR FREE!
Best Tutorial:)
I searched a long time to find a good DirectX tutorial, which helps me to performance my programming skills.But this tutorial is great, I understanding the tutorial much better than other tutorials. So but now, I arrive on category Direct3D Meshes, the last lesson and I know now, that I must refresh my knowledge about classes, structures and pointers(New /Delete).
Want to learn directx? Here's the place
This site is just the best directx tutorial site I've ever seen! None beats it ! It's very difficult to find a book or a site explaining how to use directx for game programming, and this site do what it says, in such an easy way to learn I got fascinated by the tutorial. 1 hint : Don't waste time, being premium well worth it.