The Ultimate DirectX Tutorial
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Benefits of Premium Membership

There are several benefits to premium membership, the most noteworthy of which are the twelve additional tutorials.  Another benefit is that it is always growing with more and more content, so that what you pay for now, will soon be more than what you see below.

Direct3D Textures Tutorial

The Direct3D Textures Tutorial expands on your basic Direct3D knowledge and introduces textures, a method of decorating the surfaces of objects to add much-needed realism.

In the first part, you will learn how to load textures of any common format, and then apply them to objects.

In the second part, you will learn how to filter textures, a technique used to make higher-quality texture rendering.

Direct3D Meshes Tutorial

The Direct3D Meshes Tutorial covers meshes, a much simpler way to work with models.  A mesh contains all information about a model and wraps it up into a simple package.

First you will learn to create simple pre-constructed models, such as cylinders, spheres, and even a teapot.

Next, you will learn how to load mesh files using the .x file format, as well as how to read and load texture information.

Finally, you will learn the master-of-all-challenges, animated meshes.

Game Display Tutorial

The Game Display Tutorial discusses how to work with sprites in Direct3D.  You will learn various aspects of sprite management, such as how to work with transparent sprites, text, etc.

There is also a lesson on sprite animation, which can be a very useful thing in game interfaces.

The tutorial is oriented around building the user interface of a game.  In the final lesson, you will take all the components learned in the tutorial and use them to create an actual game display that can reflect in-game data.

Game Input Tutorial

The Game Input Tutorial is all about keyboard and mouse data.  These are vital in a game, and is something that some aspiring game developers forget entirely about.

The tutorial provides not just an overview of input, but an in-depth coverage of it.  You will learn about basic Windows input methods, as well as the Raw Input API, which gets low-level data directly from the hardware.

You will also learn about various mouse topics, such as mouse lag and picking.  Mouse lag is usually subtle, but can actually be the difference between a good game and a bad game.  Picking allows your game to detect what 3D object the user selected.

Advanced Effects Tutorial

The Advanced Effects Tutorial will be getting into the very best special effects seen in games today.  So far, only some of the lessons have been written, so it does not live up to this yet.  However, they will all be written in a few months time.

So far, it introduces the language HLSL (High-Level Shader Language) and a few basic things you can do with it.  There is also a lesson on how to put the basics into actual special effects, such as shiny surfaces and fog.

In the coming weeks, lessons will appear on Pixel Shaders, a powerful system in DirectX capable of rendering very realistic graphics.

Particle Engines Tutorial

Even more advanced than the High Level Shader Language is the concept of a particle engine.  Particle engines have been in use since very early games to create effects such as fire and explosions.

The Particle Engines Tutorial takes you through the basic concept of how particle engines work, to how to make such things as glowing balls and actual fire in a live 3D environment.

This tutorial teaches you how to make your own particle engines, and how to play with them and tweak them to fit your own game.

Multiplayer Tutorial

Once you have created a wonderful graphics engine, written a beautiful design document, and made plenty of gorgeous models, there is still one more matter to attend to.  You are in a world where single-player games are no longer considered mainstream.  Sure, there are single-player titles, but none of them do as well as some of the better online games.

This tutorial will give you a whirlwind tour of building multiplayer games.  It will ground you in the basics of the Winsock API and how to use it with enough efficiency and accuracy to build a game.

This tutorial is still under construction, but already takes you through the building of a simple chat program and sending game data from one location to another.  The others are coming soon.

Future Tutorials

As mentioned before, Premium membership is always growing, and more lessons get posted as time goes on.  Currently, I am working to improve the DirectX 11 lineup (both "metro" and desktop) with a longer list of advanced lessons.

The upcoming DirectX 11 tutorials will feature text rendering, model rendering, audio, and more.