The Ultimate DirectX Tutorial
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DirectX 9
What You'll Need

You'll need these before beginning this tutorial:

1. Visual Studio 2010 or later
2. The DirectX SDK June 2010
3. A basic knowledge of C++
4. A burning desire to make games

Win32 Basics

Lesson 1:  The Parts of a Game

Lesson 2:  A Primer of Basic Windows

Lesson 3:  Creating a Window

Lesson 4:  The Real-Time Message Loop
Direct3D Basics

Lesson 1:  Getting Started with Direct3D

Lesson 2:  Going Fullscreen

Lesson 3:  An Overview of the Third Dimension

Lesson 4:  Drawing a Triangle

Lesson 5:  Transforming Vertices

Lesson 6:  Rendering Depth

Lesson 7:  Simple Modeling

Lesson 8:  Rendering with Vertex Lighting

Lesson 9:  More on Lighting

Lesson 10:  Blending Colors for Special Effects
Direct3D Textures Premium Only

Lesson 1:  Adding Textures

Lesson 2:  Texture Filtering
Direct3D Meshes Premium Only

Lesson 1:  Using Basic Meshes

Lesson 2:  Loading Meshes From X Files

Lesson 3:  Loading Textured Meshes

Lesson 4:  Animated Meshes
Game Display Premium Only

Lesson 1:  Using Sprites

Lesson 2:  More About Sprites

Lesson 3:  Animation

Lesson 4:  Adding Text to the Display

Lesson 5:  Buidling a Game Display
Game Input Premium Only

Lesson 1:  Simple Input

Lesson 2:  Raw Mouse Input

Lesson 3:  V-Sync and Mouse Lag

Lesson 4:  Picking in Direct3D
Advanced Effects Premium Only

Lesson 1:  Getting Started with HLSL

Lesson 2:  The Vertex Shader

Lesson 3:  Simple Vertex Lighting

Lesson 4:  Loading Lights from DirectX

Lesson 5:  Some Simple Vertex Effects
Particle Engines Premium Only

Lesson 1:  An Overview of Particle Engines

Lesson 2:  A Simple Billboard

Lesson 3:  Particle Timing and Motion

Lesson 4:  Particle Emission
Multiplayer Premium Only

Lesson 1:  The Basics of Networking

Lesson 2:  Starting Winsock with UDP

Lesson 3:  Sending Data

Lesson 4:  A Simple Chat Server

Lesson 5:  Sending Game Data